Morning Session
Northumberland Building (NBD) 306
10:00 Welcome and networking
10:30 Molecular Epidemiology Group Flash Talks
Join us to hear about our research!
Robert Young, University of Edinburgh
"Mapping noncoding regulation in populations"
Sophia Amenyah, Northumbria University
"Co-production of biomedical research with underserved communities"
Rachelle Irwin, Ulster
"Epigenetic effects of folic acid supplementation in the second and third trimesters"
Hannah Elliott, University of Bristol
"Epigenetics of cardiometabolic and child health"​
12:00-13:30 Lunch
Afternoon Session
Northumberland Building (NBD) 346
13:30 Researcher Career Lessons with Emma Williams
Are you a PhD student or early career researcher? Join us for this session!

​Emma is on a mission to gift the world the brightest and best because our world needs researcher talent in every sphere. Harnessing her 30+ years in and around Higher Education – from Cambridge physicist to training business owner – Emma speaks, writes and trains on all things researcher development. Emma's third book Leaving Academia: Ditch the Blanket, Take the Skills (2024) follows on from What Every Postdoc Needs to Know (2017/2024) and The UNIque Guide for Women: Confidently Embracing Your Career in Research And Beyond (2023). Emma brings creativity, problem solving, empathy and usually a large coffee to work.
15:30 Networking
16:00 Close​​​​​
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