Join the MEG-UK Committee

July 2024
We are calling for nominations to recruit 2 new committee members
MEG-UK exists to promote a multi-disciplinary approach to all molecular studies of prevention and/or causes of human disease. This is not restricted to human studies but can include in vitro and in vivo models that underpin mechanisms of disease.
As a member of the committee you will contribute to delivery of the MEG-UK agenda through:
Interaction with MEG-UK and UKEMS
Attending the MEG-UK committee meetings
Contribution to the organisation of MEG-UK workshops and symposia
It is expected that each committee member acts in capacity as local organiser for at least one annual MEG-UK meeting during each term on the committee. Committee members will be appointed for four years in the first instance, and may be eligible for re-appointment for one further consecutive term of four years, subject to agreement by the continuing committee members.
This position would be ideal for early career investigators interested in influencing molecular epidemiology research in the UK.
To register your interest please send a copy of your CV to meguk.ukems@gmail.com