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Submit an Abstract

Please complete the form to submit an abstract
(extended deadline
Tuesday 1
0th October 2023 23.59 GMT)

We encourage abstracts on any area of molecular epidemiology, you do not need to be working on a "diverse data" project to share your work at this meeting.
Early Career Researcher (PhD student or <6 years post doc)

Please list abstract authors one per line and indicate their affiliation eg.

Name Surname 1

Name Surname 1,2

Please list author affiliations one per line and designate number eg.

1. University of Bristol, Bristol, UK

2. Newcastle University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK

Please consider my abstract for:
Please tell us how you heard about this meeting

In submitting an abstract you agree to our use of your personal data in accordance with our privacy policy

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Thanks for submitting your abstract!

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