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Bursaries & Prizes




A number of travel bursaries are available for PhD students and postdocs (<6 years) to attend this conference. Bursaries will comprise of registration fee waiver plus £100 towards economy class travel and/or hotel accommodation. All applicants are required to submit an abstract for presentation at the workshop.


Note that you must apply for a travel bursary before the abstract deadline. After the deadline, each applicant will be informed if they have been successful or not. Please note that all bursary payments/refunds will only be made after the workshop upon submission of original receipts (tickets etc.). Further details will be provided at the conference. To apply please select "apply for bursary" on the registration form.




Prizes will be awarded to early career researchers (PhD students and postdocs (<6 years)) for the best oral and poster presentations. Individuals selected for oral presentations will automatically be entered into the oral presentation competition. Posters and oral presentations will be judged at the conference.  

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